1. After completing your purchase request, you are required to submit the quotation(s) from the supplier(s). This is the page where you may do so.
2. Click on Add Quote/Claim
3. Select the supplier's company name
4. Type out a portion of the company name (for example, prefix SHA) so you can select it from the dropdown list
5. Click on SHA Company
6. Click on CREATE
7. A window will pop up enquiring the necessary information of the bid. Fill in your respective organisation's form fields.
8. In cases you exited the bid details window (as above), you may click on the hamburger button
9. Click on Edit
10. Upload the necessary documents such as the supplier's quotation
11. Click on UPDATE once you have completed the form
12. Your first supplier's quote will be reflected under the Submit Quotations/Claims page
13. Click on Add Quote/Claim to add another quotation - repeat steps 3 - 11
If the above does not help to solve your issue, you may also contact our Customer Support team at [email protected].